If you want to learn how selling works…

… then fly to India, to Delhi International Airport

You step off the plane, grab your luggage – and right outside the sliding doors, you make one mistake:

You listen to a taxi driver for 5 seconds.

That’s all it takes.

He senses your fatigue.
He sees your luggage.
And he knows exactly what you want: a hotel, some rest, maybe a refreshing lassi.

“No problem, Sir. Everything you wish, Sir.”

He talks. Calm. Trustworthy.

He tells you about his family, about the perfect hotel, about your friendly personality.
And as you listen, he’s already got you on the hook.

Do you really want to go to your pre-booked hotel? “Those places are full of scammers! And taxis don’t even go there. The alleys are too narrow – and dangerous.”

But don’t worry, he knows a much better hotel! No extra cost.

If you insist on getting to your actual hotel, you’ll need nerves of steel.

Because, after all, you wouldn’t want to send this lovely guy home empty-handed to his wife and hungry children, would you?

The Crash Course in Selling

If you really want to learn how selling works – go there and listen to a taxi driver. They know all the psychological tricks to wrap you around their fingers. This is the fastest school you can go through.

If you just want to get to your hotel – use Uber. Works like a charm.

Frank D. Lemke
Post by Frank D. Lemke

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