This goes to ...

... the daydreamers, fantasists, visionaries, hopeful fortune seekers, adventurers, optimists, outsiders, eccentrics, loners, rebels, nonconformist individualists, and extraterrestrials

Sometimes life hits you hard, almost knocking you down, right? I know that feeling. It happened to me for years. The good news is: I can change it, every day anew, and if I can, then you can, too.

With this website, I want to inspire you to believe in yourself and your dreams. I dared to do the seemingly impossible for myself, and I’m still alive. It’s not always perfect because I’m still fighting for my freedom. But with each day, each misstep, and each defeat, it gets easier. It becomes easier to take setbacks because I am on the path that I walk from my heart, no matter what.

If you want to see that even an ordinary average guy can surpass himself and find his happiness, then you’re in the right place. Here, you can flip through my diary:

An Inconvenient but Powerful Truth

This is How You Regain Control Over Your Life Prepare yourself for a controversial truth. Most people don’t want to hear this. But this truth is perhaps the secret key, if not the only one, to unlocking your true potential. Forget promises like „personal transformation through a webinar“ or „manifest your desires in ten days“, […]

The Fear of Freedom

Why Escape is an Echo of Resurrection I traveled a lot this year: From the United Arab Emirates, through Italy, with a brief stop in Germany, back to Georgia. In a remote cabin in the mountains, I’m reflecting on the past two years and what I can share with you. If you, like me, want […]

Do you also know this type of people …

… who want to tell you who you are? In Abu Dhabi, I decided to pause self-discovery, spend time with friends and focus entirely on my business for the time being. Even though I don’t need much, a few extra dollars in the pocket are very useful. That’s why I haven’t been in touch for […]

Be Careful With Assumptions

NEW ON YOUTUBE: A friend once told me: "Be careful with assumptions. They can keep you in a mental prison." Finally I chose to listen to the silence and this is what happened.
A friend warned me about assumptions.


On The Way to Tibet

The destination is the sacred Mount Kailash

Feeling and Thinking Anew

Because boundaries are merely a projection of the mind

Vrindavan in India

Visiting an old friend in the temple there

Life as my Master

The journey itself is the destination

Living the Dream

Because fear is a prison with an open door

Back Home

Unconditional love is the home of our soul

Accompany me

You can learn more about the ‘why’ in the following podcast. Moderator Adrian Hoffmann invited me to his podcast ‘Adrian lädt ein…’ and we talked about the journey (in German):


If I can inspire you or if you simply enjoy stories, you’re in the right place. On this website, you’ll find exciting and heartfelt narratives, as well as pictures and videos from the journey.

Do you want to get out of the hamster wheel and into life? Sometimes it's not so easy. Let's exchange ideas. If you want to explore new paths or simply get to know me,


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